24 Hours Emergency Intensive Coronary Care Unit Coimbatore

The Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) at KTVR Hospitals, Coimbatore, is a multi-disciplinary unit where patients with Medical, Cardiac or Surgical problems are managed. The primary goal of the ICCU is to provide best quality care to patients with critical illness. The ICCU is operating as a semi closed unit, where the patients are admitted by medical staffs with admitting privileges. The consultation is routinely provided by members of the Critical Care Consultants Group (CCCG).

Members of our Critical Care team closely communicate with the primary consultants and then provide appropriate care. The Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) at KTVR Hospitals serves patients with Cardiac, Medical, Surgical, Paediatric & Neurological disorders needing intensive care.

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Why Choose KTVR Group of Hospital in Coimbatore