Best Diabetologist Doctors for Low Sugar in Coimbatore

Hypoglycemia is a clinical condition of low glucose concentration in the blood, which is usually associated with giddiness, anxiety, weakness, headache, irritability, hunger, blurred vision, palpitation, inability to concentrate, loss of memory, and in some severe cases, paralysis, seizures or coma. Patients with Diabetes start getting symptoms of hypoglycemia when the sugar levels fall below 70 mg/dl.

But this can vary from person to person. Hypoglycemia occurs when a meal is missed or delayed, following an heavy exercise or when too high a dose of insulin or diabetes tablets is taken in error. Maintain regularity in diet, insulin or diabetes tablets & exercise. Adhere to a five-meal pattern every day. Do regular blood glucose monitoring. wherever you go. If advised by your doctor, keep glucagon at home for use in case of emergency.

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